Monday, November 22, 2010

Live Your Life Your Way

You have a God given right to enjoy life.

Of course there will be difficult days,difficult people and difficult situations.

You have to learn what is and isn't important to you,what you're willing to work for and what it is you need,want and desire.

Once you have figured that out,everything else should fall into place.

You stop sweating the small stuff that has nothing to do with your happiness or well being.

Sorry to say some of the small stuff will be people.

I have this philosphy I've lived by for years and it has helped me immensely and I'm sure it can do the same for you.

If something doesn't bring positivity,joy,wisdom and happiness to me I don't need it or them in my life.

This is a very big lesson,it'll be an ahhh,haaa moment for many.

We all have them in our lifes, toxic,negative people.

We seem to feel that we are obligated to friends and associates to be nice, common and courteous.

You only owe that to people who return it and respect you.

Don't get caught up in how long you've known a person or that you just can't believe they would do such a thing or say such a thing.

If something transpires and you're surprised at an action.

Shake it off and keep moving on with your happiness.


That's what they're trying to mess with!

Some people can't stand to see others happy,successful,being loved or any of the good stuff we all want for ourselves and others if you're a truehearted and loving being.

These people will try to bring you drama in whatever avenue they can.

I have had to sever quite a few so-called friendships.

I saw the signs for awhile but sometimes you hope/think it's not what it is...jealousy,envy and hate!

It's really sad to think that some people are jealous of others happiness,but what's really sad is that this person is just watching and waiting for you to fail or for your relationship to go sour for them to feel some joy in your pain.

These people are the biggest hypocrites so watch them closely.

You know them and once you identify the characteristics you'll know also.

Here's afew...

Always having something to say about things you do in a negative way.

Example: Why you need to buy that? You always spending money.

Always have something to say negative about peoples actions but doing the action themselves.

Example: Why do these scandalous women sleep with other people's husbands or men?

All the while they're emailing and prank calling the wives and girlfriends of the man/men they're sleeping with.

I could go on and on but these are just afew I have experienced first hand.

I've had so-called friends go after a man of mine,an ex of mine and try to take a few friends of mine.

Luckily I know where I stand because it all comes to light everything you try to do in the dark.

My life isn't suppose to filled with such negative,toxic,ugly things.

My life is all about living positivity,loving my life and my family,and growing in spirit,in God and in life.

If your friends aren't of the same mindset,it'll come to light.

And you'll see what it is so-called friends are really after.

Being it your man,your friends,or them just thinking they can do you better than you can.

Hate to say it but everyone that claims to be a friend isn't,but you can't go through life contantly looking upside people's head trying to figure them out.

Let the chips fall where they may and it'll all come to light.

Then address the situation accordingly.

That being said life is easier once the clutter is cleared.

Organize your life and remove the clutter,whatever it maybe.

It's truly cleansing!!

As Always...Blessings To All!!


Saturday, October 02, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Can We Agree To Disagree The Truth?

We all know that everyone doesn't see things the same way.

Different people will see things different ways.

A person's perception has a lot to do with their upbringing,what they have learned and seen,and alot has to do with personality in general.

But the truth is the truth no gray area in that.

You can put whatever spin or slant on any issue to make it go your way,or to make you seem righteous or correct.

That's where spin doctors come from,trying to spin the ugly truth into something not so ugly.

Some people try to spin things their way or in their favor.It may last for a minute but the truth always surfaces.Then comes another spin to spin that.

But the truth is what it is the truth.

Alot of people don't want to face the truth or own up to their actions.

You can agree to disagree on many things but the truth isn't one of them.

So don't get caught up in a whirliwnd and get disoriented.

Stand firm in your truth.

Keep your proof,your documentation,yes, your evidence if you must.

Cold hard facts are hard to deny.But they'll try!

Stand on your facts and produce them if needed.

Truth always prevails!!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

I Understand. But do you?

This is really simple,but still many people just don't get it.

Do you have those friends that it seems nothing happens good for?

Do you have those friends that are always in drama?

Are these the same friends that constantly talk about others people's business?

The same friends that aren't totally supportive or happy when someone else catches a break? Saying in the background,why didn't that happen to me?

The same friends that want to be all in your affairs trying to reap accolades off of your coat tails just by association?

The same friends that all of a sudden are claiming kinship,family ties?

I take pride and love my family but some of them I wouldn't claim if had a choice.

So claiming to be my sister,cousin or whatever only means you're trying to get close enough to get something or use me for something.

These are usually the people that get caught up in mess and want to bring you down with them.

But for some reason every attempt fails,the slander and ugly talk they try to throw your way isn't sticking.

It isn't sticking because it's of no importance.

I understand.

I understand that I am here for Thee and Me.

I understand that I must be true to what I was raised on.

Being truthful

Being respectful

Being empathetic

Being compassionate

Being smart

Never being the fool

The last one is very important,because being all of the above will lead some people to think/believe you're a push over or easy target.

Plain and simple take your kindness for weakness.

But it's okay whatever these so called friends try to take or do succeed to take will only be replaced triple fold!!!

Being it your feelings,your money,your man or anything of importance.

God's got you!!!

I understand that you can not have malice and hate in yourself if you want God to work with you.

Wondering why things aren't working out?

Work on yourself!

Stay Blessed

Monday, June 21, 2010

As I look back on my life so far,I've noticed quite afew things.

I've always been abit of a loner and alittle different.

Not that there's anything wrong with either it just is what it is.

I was in competitive swimming for years.That takes dedication and discipline but it's also lonely and time consuming.I do beleive that you can become burned out even on something you love.

I was also alittle different in my style of dress and my hair was way before it's time.

My son recently saw a high school pic of me and said" Mom you have your hair cut like Rihanna" I told him that was 25 yr ago she cut her hair like mine.Yes I rocked a blonde pompadour like mohawk while rocking polo dress shirt,tie and cardigan.Can you say different? LOL!

But somewhere very early own I realized that I was not like most of my friends.I realized that some were not very nice and I learned to distance myself.

That started the first label....Stuck up.

I also learned that some people just smile in your face and tell you what you want to hear,to stay on your good side til they need you or what something from you.I learned to distance myself from these people also.

Thus the next label........She thinks she's all that.

I discovered that everybody can't handle the truth nor want to hear the truth.When you don't see things their way and state the truth they don't like it.

Here comes two more labels..........Jea lous,,Hater.

Now of course I do not fall under any of these labels or any other label some throw my way and I know this for a fact,so it doesn't bother me that someone or some people feel that way towards me.

I pray for them first.

I understand it's not about me,it's about them and how they feel about me and that's not my problem.

I'm will continue to live,love,laugh,smi le and just be me!!!!

Posted by RastaMerma.. Jun 20, 2010 11:41 PM EDT

Friday, May 21, 2010

"What's Your Happy Dance?

"That's right a happy dance.

A little dip of the hip,a two step or do you break it on down?

You see guys dancing in the inzone celebrating a touchdown.

You need to dance you a little jig when you make a touchdown in life.

I promise you once you get your dance,and do it whenever you accomplish a task,you'll find yourself dancing all the time.

Stay Blessed

Saturday, May 08, 2010

All Things Come To Light!!"

This is going to to short,sweet and to the point.

People come into your life for a reason,a season or a lifetime.

And trust some are not trying to hear "Times up!"

Stay Blessed

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's a new day every morning you arise!

Leave yesterday behind and look forward to the endless possibilites ahead of you.

No one is perfect or has the perfect life. And what's perfect for one may not be perfect for another.

It's all on you,what do you want,what makes you smile?

Everyone needs to address these questions in their life.

But be truthful with yourself.

Asking yourself are these my true choices?

Am I trying to imitate another,using another's idea?

Do I want this because my friend wants/has it?

Am I just following or is this really what I want?

Am I really in love or just in love with the idea of being in love?

Do I love me?

I know these are some deep questions. It's only the tip of the iceberg when searching to find one's spiriitual enligthenment and self awareness.

Knowing one's self is the best defense to any situation.

We all find ourselves in awkward situations at times,may not even be your situation but you get caught up.

Address the issue,as you see fit. All issues are different you should know always pick your battles wisely.


Never do anything out of spite or jealousy,for it will only manifest negatively back upon you.

In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.

~Mahatma Gandhi

As Always Stay Blessed!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


TheTruth Will Make You Cry,A Lie WIll Make You Smile!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Here comes the TRUTH!!!!

There's alot of talk about haters these days.

People saying people hating on them for this,that or the other.

Is it really hate or the TRUTH!?

Yes it seems that THE TRUTH will get you  called hater and get you more haters than flies to cow dong!

That's right,I've noticed that when people start shouting out the hater issue,it's because something or all that the hater did is state THE TRUTH.


If someone states THE  FACTS, why are they a hater?

If someone tells THE TRUTH,why are they a hater?

So the next time you hear someone constantly stating  a person's being a hater,listen and observe very carefully.

And ask yourself....................If this person is so bad a person why are you  constantly wasting time with them in your mind......You should be glad they're not in your life,so why keep talking/blogging about them letting them leave footprints in your head.

Now so more TRUTH.....Yes,yes,yes I have haters,lots of them for various reasons.And I am so cool with that because everyone doesn't get along.But I have never backstabbed anyone,though I've been backstabbed afew times.I've never lied on anyone,though I've been lied on plenty.I've never gone after any friends man,yeah had that happen too.

But I'm not bitter,mad or the slightest bit upset because it is what it is.


THE TRUTH...............


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Peace and Tranquility Always!!!

Looking out all I see is the Sea and tranquility,

So peaceful and serene like a movie scene,

So beautiful and majestic that it calms your fears,

While bringing you to tears,

Knowing that His grace,

Is boldly in your face,

God Is Good!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rewards And Just Rewards!

Yes rewards and just rewards there is a difference.

Rewards are things that you have earned.

You did the work,put in the time and you deserve everything that comes your way.

Just rewards are the things that happen to people that are just not right.

Bad karma comes around and bites you in the bottom.

Nothing seems to go as you planned. Because you planned all wrong. You did some bad hateful,nasty things and now you're paying for them!

Suck it up!

This too shall past.

Now straighten up and fly right!!!

Karma's a @*&$!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The interior defense dines under the sabotage.

Sabotage of the interior defense is ultimately an inside job!

Don't sabotage yourself!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Knowing your limits!

You need to know your limit in every area in life. But most importantly you must know your limits in relationships.

You need to know that first off love doesn't hurt, and especially not phyically.

There is never a reason for a man and woman to fight. Definitely not the one you love and are trying to spend the rest of your life with. There has to be a ultimate value of respect on each part to never reach this point. You must also know not to push someone buttons to make a situation worse.I know sometimes it's hard to walk away but it's probably for the best.

Have a set way that dialogue is handled for problems and never in the heat of things. That's usually how things spiral  out of control. Agree maybe to write it in a note to read 30 mins later. Time to think about the problem and several solutions before trying to attack it.

This also works with your children but of course sometimes it flys out the window. But just try this. Before confronting your child, Take a few cleansing breathes maybe 10-15. Think about some of the things you got away with growing up(laugh),think about how you felt when your parents were disappointed in you(frown),these things may help soften the mood (or licks or punishment)But it will definitely make you think twice.

Know your limits...some should not be pushed!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Never Stop Being You!

There is nothing wrong with being alittle different, odd or eclectic.

As a matter of fact that's exactly what swagger is. Having your own way about you,something that everyone has but not quite like yours. It's like a hat. Everyone can wear one but everyone wears them differently.

Individuality is a character trait to embrace, not be ashamed of. It should be played up not played down.

So learn to embrace all that you are.

Never Stop Being You!

Monday, February 15, 2010

What Do You Want?

That's the question and only you hold the key to that answer.

This question can be placed in all aspects of life or hard decisons. What do you want?  Then adjust your mindset and focus on the solution,on how to get the result you want. It may take several steps and a little amount of time. But if you are focused,driven and motivated you will make it happen.

Now ask yourself.......What do I want?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Taking Time Out For Yourself!

In today's fastpaced,non-stop world we sometimes forget to take time out for ourselves. We are so busy making sure that everyone is taken care of that we sometimes forget about number 1 and the other 3.

The number 1 in my case is The Creator, for you it maybe something else. But we all know we didn't get here by ourselves.

The other 3 Me,Myself and I.

You have to do you. If you don't do you, who will?  Doing you, I mean taking care of you and your needs and wants. Making sure that you are doing everything to stay happy, healthy,motivated and moving forward
Of course no one's happy 24 hrs a day 7 days a week,you know you need some sleep in there sometimes.

You have to conditon your mind to stay positive and alert.

Alert meaning recognizing quickly if something isn't right and especially not right for you. Keep away from negative situations,negative people and negative surroundings.

You also must take care of your physical.You know the saying "If you don't move it,you'll lose it."

So keeping it moving, and take alittle time out for yourself!!!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

There comes a time in everyone's life when they must grow up!

This growth may be jump started by unforseen circumstances far beyond anyone's control. A parent passing ,a sick parent or short-term separation from family and friends. Whatever the case a person has to learn to fin for themselves and sometimes others. Suddenly being responsible for siblings and sometimes parents. Situations like these make a child grow up sooner than they are ready for or suppose too.Unfortunately many kids these days are forced to "man up"way before their time.

How a child handles these situations will formulate their behavior from that point. Be it right or wrong it is what it is.And this is a make or break moment.This is where character and backbones are built or broken.

It is sad that in today's society kids are forced to grow up way too soon.

Let's us pray for the youth!!!!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Time to vent!!!!!

What is it with married men,acting like single men.

I've been approached 3 times this week by married men. You see when a man approaches me in this manner to get to know me,I ask a few key questions,and then I state fact.

"I do not date married men or men that are involved in a relationship." If you are separated, look me up when your divorce is finalized.

All 3 men still tried to give me their number,and continued to try to convince me to atleast have a drink or cup of coffee w/them. Of course,I refused and went on my way.

But what if I was that homewrecking type of  woman, that didn't care and just wanted a man.Luckily, I am not.I try to keep bad karma away from me.You must also stir clear of bad situations.

Messing with another's spouse/significant other is a bad situation.

Let's live drama free!!!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Wow! Time sure is flying on bye it's already Febuary!!!

How are we doing, are those pounds starting to melt off,are you staying focused on your goals?

Whatever the situation,roll with it baby. If you fell off then fall back on, and roll with it!

Invest in you,it's a guaranteed return.

Until next time....Stay Blessed!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

We made it through the 2nd week of 2010. And look what's it's brought us. The disaster in Haiti.I have donated,I have prayed and will pray til I can't anymore.Enough to break your spirit but I know GOD is great.So I'm staying steadfast and unmovable with faith in my GOD!


How did you do with your resolutions? Don't worry, just keep at it. It's more that breaking a bad habit, it's a lifestyle change. Stay motivated and just think of how much better you're going to feel in 2 weeks, 4 weeks, then imagine you're at that 90 day mark and you're wondering why you didn't get your butt in gear years ago. You go girl!!!

Whether it's excercise,weight loss,quitting smoking or anything significant it's takes heart. Put your heart into it!

Stay focused and stay blessed!!!
And keep your head up!!!!!!
There is power in prayer,there is power in faith,and there is power in believing.

I pray,I have faith,and I believe.

I hope you do also.

Let's pray for Haiti!
Let's pray for Haiti!
Let's pray for Haiti!

Thank U!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Text YELE to 501 501 to help Haiti Now! Only $5 to your cellphone bill!

Text YELE to 501 501 to help Haiti Now! Only $5 to your cellphone bill!

Or donate at

Text YELE to 501 501 to help Haiti Now!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Here we go again!

I'm gonna admit, I didn't think Mark McGwire did the steroid thing.

But now I know he did,makes me wonder about Sosa.

What do you think???

Friday, January 08, 2010

The first week of the year is in.

How did you do with your resolutions? Don't worry, just keep at it. It's more that breaking a bad habit, it's a lifestyle change. Stay motivated and just think of how much better you're going to feel in 2 weeks, 4 weeks, then imagine you're at that 90 day mark and you're wondering why you didn't get your butt in gear years ago. You go girl!!!

Whether it's excercise,weight loss,quitting smoking or anything significant it's takes heart. Put your heart into it!

Stay focused and stay blessed!!!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The first week of 2010 is coming to a close.

Are you keeping those resolutions? Are you sticking to that diet? Are you working out as you planned?

Just do your best and do not stress. If you fall off just fall back on. Don't beat yourself up if you slip, or if you didn't workout a day, just workout the next day.Remember you didn't put develope this habit in a day, you didn't gain extra pounds overnight so it's not going to be that easy to conquer it.

Just be steadfast and persistant.

Friday, January 01, 2010

"Keep what you learn from the past, but leave the hurt in the past."