Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Peace and Tranquility Always!!!

Looking out all I see is the Sea and tranquility,

So peaceful and serene like a movie scene,

So beautiful and majestic that it calms your fears,

While bringing you to tears,

Knowing that His grace,

Is boldly in your face,

God Is Good!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rewards And Just Rewards!

Yes rewards and just rewards there is a difference.

Rewards are things that you have earned.

You did the work,put in the time and you deserve everything that comes your way.

Just rewards are the things that happen to people that are just not right.

Bad karma comes around and bites you in the bottom.

Nothing seems to go as you planned. Because you planned all wrong. You did some bad hateful,nasty things and now you're paying for them!

Suck it up!

This too shall past.

Now straighten up and fly right!!!

Karma's a @*&$!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The interior defense dines under the sabotage.

Sabotage of the interior defense is ultimately an inside job!

Don't sabotage yourself!